Days One and Two - Travel from Minneapolis to Paris via Reykjavik
We took off from Minneapolis International Airport on schedule at 4:00 pm and landed in Reykjavik in the early morning hours, time rapidly accelerating on the Eastward journey. Our flight from Reykjavik to Paris was delayed, allowing for a more leisurely pace through customs and a quick nap for some, then we were off by breakfast time on a plane full of choir boys from Philadelphia all wearing red blazers and grins ranging from the angelically excited to the mischievous. Icelandair proved to be a wonderful airline. The three younger kids each received complimentary meals and fun packs, the movie selection made it easy to keep the kids from getting squirrely, and I was introduced to Iceland through the delightfully strange indie film, Summerland.
Landing in Paris with five children, each faithfully toting their own suitcases and backpacks, we made our way through the Charles Charles de Gaulle Airport airport, by train to Gard du Nord (where Dietrich was able to get in a little Taxicab geometry), and treacherously by foot to our apartments on the Rue Buchardon and Passage du Marche -- the girls following Jen like a line of little ducks, Dietrich and I usually bringing up the rear, with Gramps leading the way and Grams following behind.
Honest First Impression of Paris: A sad city. A press and bustle of people, grime and rush. The stench of stale urine and grease.
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I appreciate your honest first impression of Paris. I have heard similar things from friends who have visited there.